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New Zealand Child Internet Safety Act

For over 30 years, we’ve had the internet in our homes.

And for 30 years, that internet has remained unfiltered for most of our children, exposing them to everything the internet has to offer.


For the past seven years, I’ve worked full-time in the online safety space. And I can tell you—very little has actually been done to truly protect our kids.


We surveyed 4,671 parents. A staggering 92.9%  had little to no idea how to keep their children safe online. That’s not a parenting failure—it’s a systemic failure.


Some countries have made attempts—usually by requiring age verification for access to porn sites... but it doesn't work . Besides, porn is only one of the many harms our children are facing online.


I spent over 20 years as a builder, and in building, problem-solving is everything. You figure out what’s broken, and you fix it with the most practical, effective solution.


That’s exactly what I’ve done with this bill.

It’s simple.
It’s straightforward.
It doesn’t take away any adult’s "freedom of speech" or access.
It just ensures our kids are protected from the worst parts of the internet—by default.


The Problem? - Most parents believe filtering is too complicated to figure out. 


The Solution? What if filtering was easy? What if the internet was safe for our kids by default?


  • Kid Safe Routers in every home. - Filtered connection for children and an unfiltered connection for adults.

  • Smart SIMs - 18+ and Under 18 SIM cards for every device

  • Manufacturers  - Required to offer models with mandatory built-in internet filtering for minors

  • Parents and Guardians have a duty of care to ensure that minors under their care can only access filtered internet.


It's that simple.​​

To read the proposed New Zealand Child Internet Safety Act​ click here


To read our Survey - Our Kids Online Parent Survey Results from 4671 Parents


How you can help. -  If you know any MPs who you think could help push this bill, please introduce us. The more MPs who are on board with keeping our kids safe online the faster this bill will be passed.



Protecting Kids Online Isn’t Optional - It’s Overdue



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